Hi! I’m Carolyn. I am a project manager, Etsy seller, Blogger and mum to three kids in Sydney Australia. Party with Unicorns was started as a hobby when I was on maternity leave with my youngest daughter. Had a known the website was going to live on past those first few months, I may have chosen a name that wasn’t directly related to the birthday party I was planning at the time.
Bad blog names aside, I am loving this journey, and I am just too far down the path to turn back now! When I call myself a “blogger” I mean I have Party with Unicorns and I am doing my very best to figure out how this whole thing works.
Party with Unicorns is a hobby and I try to squeeze as much as I can in during nap times and in the evenings after the kids have gone to sleep. Working full time, with three kids means that my updates can sometimes be a bit sporadic but I do my best to adding to this magical collection every week.
One of the best parts of this hobby is all of the amazing moms, dads, grandparents, and teachers that I have been able to connect with from around the world. It’s amazing to think that I can be creating a kids craft here in Sydney one day and getting an update from a parent on the other side of the world the next about how their child is enjoying the template I created. We certainly live in an amazing world.
I do my best to come up with fun ideas to keep the kids busy and off the screen for a minute or two. I also love parties, and with three kids and bundles of nieces and nephews, it feels like there is always another party to be planned. I’m still constantly shocked as a parent how expensive things get so I do try to add as many free printable and downloads as possible to try to make people’s lives easier.
Party with Unicorns is a collection of all my kid’s favorite things at any given time. It’s a bit of a parenting diary that I will be able to come back to in years to come and remember all of the fun crafts and creations we made together. I am rewriting this page after the first 9 months of the website and I am truly amazed about how much we have created in the last few months.
At the time of writing this our house is all about unicorns, fairies, princesses superheroes, Beyblades, transformers and Ninja Turtles. No doubt as the kid’s interest expands and changes, the content of this site with will continue to transform. Hopefully, this means that the content will remain relevant to you too.
If kids content with free printables sounds like something you’d be into, please follow along on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.
I would love to hear from you. Send your comments and feedback to: carolyn@partywithunicorns.com.